"Fasting means abstaining from eating and drinking"

What is Fasting in Bible?

According to the bible, fasting means refraining from eating and drinking anything for some period of time.

Some fasting examples in Bible:

The First example we see in the book of Exodus and Deuteronomy. when we read chapter 34 verse 28. when Moses was on Mount Sinai hill to talk with God. he didn't eat and drink for forty days and nights.

The Second example we see in the book of Daniel. when we read chapter 10 verse 3 we can read about a fast that Daniel has

The Third example we see in the book of Luke. when we read chapter 4 verses 1-2. when Jesus was tempted by the shaitan in the wilderness. Jesus did not eat anything for 40 days there.

Why Fasting?

in Christianity, fasting is an essential practice for becoming a good believer in God, for making us humble, strengthen our faith and for bringing us closer to God, fasting can help individuals to focus their minds and hearts on God.

Impact of Fasting according to Bible:

  1. Humbleness and Protection/ Safety:

"Then I have a fast at the river Ahava, it humbles us perhaps before God, and God makes our journey safe, for the children and all our belongings." Ezra 8:21

   2. Confession before the God:
"After getting together in Mizpah, they drew water and poured it before the Lord. On this day they fasted and confessed, "We sinned." 1 Samuel 7:6

   3. Getting prayer heard by God:
"So we fasted and made a petition to our God about it, and he answered our prayer." Ezra 8:23

   4To Express Sorrow
"They wept and wept and fasted until evening for Saul and his son Jonathan and for the Lord's army and for the nation of Israel because they fell by the sword2 Samuel 1:12
